ASTM C297 covers a procedure for testing the flatwise adhesive strength of a composite sandwich construction. The two facing sides of the specimen sandwich are glued to the blocks. The adhesive is then allowed to set for 8-24 hours. Once the samples are ready, the blocks are then loaded into the fixture using a clevis pin and pulled apart.
The fixture had a self-aligning mechanism which is designed to provide a 100% uni-axial force. The self-alignment allows for more uniform tensile tests and measurements to be taken.
The square blocks measure 2x2" or 1x1". The adhesive is set uniformly across the entire surface. Custom insert blocks and fixtures are also available based on customer requirements.
The C297 grip is specially designed for nutation, also known as articulating or swiveling. There are two fixture options available, either with 1 degree of freedom or two degrees of freedom. ASTM D1623 method B requires the 2 degrees of freedom fixture.
Multiple sets of square insert blocks are available to help with sample preparation and to speed up testing times. Insert blocks are available in stock with the 1x1" or 2x2".
The fixture and sample blocks are loaded onto a universal testing machine and pulled apart in a tensile test at fixed speed. Universal Grip offers full support and service for the Galdabini Quasar line of testing systems. Machines can arrive pre-programmed for this ASTM test and are controlled via PC.
Ultimate Tensile Strength is the most common measurement for this test and is given by the peak load. Any unique or unexpected failure of the core material should be noted in the test results. The sample should fail somewhere in the middle and both facings should remain adhered to the insert blocks.
Similar Specifications:
ASTM D3354 - Blocking Load of Plastic Film
ASTM D1623 - Tensile Adhesion of Foam
EN 1607 - Tensile strength of Perpendicular faces of Thermal Insulation
EN 2243 - Tensile Testing of Structural Adhesives for Aerospace
DIN 53292 - Testing of Sandwiches - Tensile Testing
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