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Accessories for Universal Testing Machines

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Tensile and Compression testing machines can use many different types of accessories depending on the type of test involved. All of these accessories involve measurement, sensing, and data acquisition. Advanced testing requires the use of these instruments to acquire very accurate data. For instance, ASTM D790 recommends the use of a deflectometer to accurately measure the deflection or bend of the sample. Other tests, such as ASTM D638, may require an extensometer for strain measurement. R&D scientists may use up to 8 or even 16 individual strain gauges to measure strain, which is a measure of the deformation of the material when it is under stress. Video extensometers have quickly gained popularity over contact strain measurement devices in recent years. 


Along with in-test accessories, UGC also offers a complete line of specimen cutting tools and presses.


Sample Specimen Preparation Tools
ASTM Sample Preparation Tools

Universal Grip offers the world's largest product portfolio for ASTM specimen preparation. Whether its ASTM Cutting Dies, Arbor Presses for plastics & rubber. Or custom offerings for aluminum & steel UGC provides the complete solution. Sample cutting dies are designed according to exact ASTM specifications by Type. We also carry ISO, JIS, DIN and other standardized dies.

Contact Extensometer

Extensometers are used during tensile tests to measure the exact strain of the sample. The direct measurement from the extensometer removes any errors caused by the small amount of displacement from the grips and testing machine. 

Laser Extensometer
Video Extensometers

The Universal Video Extensometer (UVE) from Universal Grip is a non-contact strain measurement solution compatible with any modern universal testing machine. The system uses software algorithms to recognize and track features as they move across the field of view. 

Environmental Chamber
Environmental Chambers

Temperature Chambers can be heated or cooled. A heating element is able to elevate the chamber up to 350 degrees Celsius. The chamber can be cooled using liquid nitrogen.


Compressometer Fixtures, or compression cages, are used for the testing of concrete and similar materials to ASTM C469. Data can be acquired through either a dial gauge, digital indicator, or through an LVDT that outputs into a DAQ system.  

Contact Deflectometer

Deflectometers are used primarily for bend testing. The contact sensor is able to accurately measure subtle changes in position. 

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